The Meat I Eat #32

I hope everyone had a lovely fourth of July!

Instead of standing/sitting/being squashed in a seething mass of Seattlites to watch fireworks set off over Lake Union, this year Stephanie and I opted to do something different. We bought tickets to go see the Aquasox  (the single-A affiliate of the Seattle Mariners) play up in Everett and watched their fireworks display instead. Somewhat unfortunately, despite the forecast for a 0% chance of precipitation,  it actually rained on and off for most of the game. We did not dress accordingly… so we got a little soggy.

Andrew_Stephanie_4thofJulyCold, wet baseball fans.

We weren’t miserable, but  it sure would’ve been nice to be dry. In any case, the stadium was cute and intimate (only seating ~3,500 people) and our seats provided an excellent view. The food/drinks inside were a little pricey, so we ended up going and getting some Quizno’s a few blocks away before the game started. (I got a turkey+bacon+guacamole sandwich – meat!)

Aquasox Video BoardThe Cascades provided a picturesque backdrop to the baseball game.

The baseball game featured a lot of good pitching/defense, so the action moved along at a surprisingly quick pace. Despite going into extra innings (the Aquasox lost 2-1 in the 11th), the game took almost exactly 3 hours. Fireworks started promptly 15 minutes after the game ended. The display was a little on the short side, but our visibility was unobstructed and the wind was blowing favorably such that we didn’t get inundated by tons of smoke. Also, they had a ton of those crackly fireworks, which cascade down with a bunch of satisfying pops after they’re set off. Those ones are my favorite! All in all, it was a nice way to spend the Fourth of July.

Aquasox ViewThe view from our seats.

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Miles run in 2014: 171.2
Books read in 2014: 44

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